In the busy world that we are living in, if you think about boredom, you might find it hard to fit in this reality. The truth is that boredom is a common and unbearable problem that a lot of people face. In this post I am going to tell you the best solutions for boredom and how to use this unpleased state of mind to do something beneficial for you.
Boredom is defined as mental state of weariness, restlessness and lack of interest in something to which one is subjected, which is undesirable, in which the weariness and restlessness are casually related to the lack of interest.
If you think about this definition, you can understand it more with a daily example. Does this thought sound familiar?
I am bored at work
I am bored at home
I am bored of my life
You are not alone; a lot of people think that way. Why is it that you feel bored at work? Because you do the same thing everyday (weariness), this job has nothing to do with your dreams (lack of interest) but you would actually have energy to go do something else (restlessness).
Being in bored can be frustrating and discouraging and if you keep it that mood for long periods of time, it can deteriorate your mental health by causing depression and other issues. Let’s take a look of the main reasons behind you feeling this annoying way:
- Something is repetitive (watching the same documentary 100 times)
- Monotonous (going to the same bar all the time)
- Predictable ( you know that every day you have to deal with the same issue at work no matter what)
- All-too familiar (eating the same meal for a month)
- Below your competence level (working in a job that does not require you to use your full potential)
Researchers suggest that time use is related to lower boredom. You might be asking: how can I occupy my time to reduce boredom? The answer to this question is behind what you truly love or what you are passionate about.
I created this step by step guide for you to stop googling: “what to do when I am bored” or “I am bored of my life”
Step 1
Acknowledging and Identifying The Causes
As the definition mentions, boredom is a state of mind that includes weariness and lack of interest. Take a moment to identify what is it that you are tired about? Is it the routine that you have every day? Is it a particular moment when you are exhausted of watching TV for hours?
Once you have admitted to yourself the reason of weariness, start thinking why you are not interested in this activity. You could be surprised with the answers that you find within yourself.
Step 2
Personal Exploration
Digging in your soul and exploring your thoughts is what is going to give you coping mechanisms for boredom. Finding your true passion or activities that you enjoy will give you control over the unpleasant feeling of being bored.
Observe the way you talk about issues can also reveal your passion and those passion can develop into a hobby. Think about topics that you are constantly talking about or ask family members things that you mention to them often. Then, ask yourself what is it that excites you about that topic. Transform it into a hobby! (check this unique and creative list of hobbies)
Step 3
Dig deep in your memories
Once you have found things that excite you, dig deeper to get more ideas using a memory searching exercise:
- Take a few minutes and try to remember happy moments that you had in your life.
- This will put you in a better mood immediately and it will give you clues to what you love to do but you might don’t remember
- Select 3 or 4 and keep exploring within yourself.
Step 4
Think about what you value the most
What traits do you prize? Do you feel drawn to people who give back? Let those traits guide you when choosing an activity. If you admire people that can express themselves through art, enroll a painting class. Keep in mind that evaluating your skills and personality is important. Don’t overcomplicate things or force yourself to do things that you are not passionate about.
Step 4
Master boredom (or boredom will master you)
As with everything in life, you should have a plan of action to overcome any issue. Well, with boredom is the same. What I usually do that works wonders is to use this amazing chart to identify the activities that can help me to feel better. This chart not only will give you a bullet proof list that is personalized to you, but also it will help you to identify what gets on the way to take action.
Unfortunately, a lot of us start feeling bored and we end up feeling not motivated it at all to deal with this challenge. How many times you have said that you are bored at home, but when a friend asks you to go to the movies you said no? Don’t let this to happen! Be ready to stop any self-sabotage moves, when you are trying to get out of the boredom stage.
Boredom can create discontent and satisfaction in your life but only if you let it.
Isacescu, J., Struk, A. A., & Danckert, J. (2017). Cognitive and affective predictors of boredom proneness. Cognition & Emotion, 31(8), 1741–1748. https://doi-org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.1080/02699931.2016.1259995
O’Brien, W. (2014). Boredom. Analysis, 74(2), 236–244. https://doi-org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.1093/analys/anu041
Vodanovich, S. J., & Watt, J. D. (1999). The Relationship Between Time Structure and Boredom Proneness: An Investigation Within Two Cultures. Journal of Social Psychology, 139(2), 143–152. https://doi-org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.1080/00224549909598368